If you own a car, you know that auto problems are a very common problem. If you learn a little on the topic, you really can save lots of money and aggravation. Apply the tips in this article to your life. Being knowledgeable is definitely an advantage when dealing with repair shops or performing repairs yourself.

You need to buy a good battery charger and have it in your vehicle at all times. Dead batteries are a very common problem for all car owners. Not only will you be able to charge up your battery, you can also help others whose battery has broken down. Learn how to find the points where the battery charger connects.

Ask a mechanic any questions you may have regarding your car when bringing it in to their shop. Ask what caused your problem in the first place to avoid the issue happening in the future. If you prevent issues from happening, you can save money on repairs.

Be aware of all of the costs prior to handing your keys over to the mechanic. If you don’t understand something, clarify your concerns with the mechanic or service adviser before they work on the car. If you do not communicate with your mechanic, you might be surprised with additional fees once you receive your bill.

Get a referral if you want to see a reputable mechanic. Ask co-workers, friends and family for recommendations. These people will be able to provide you with the price, quality, and overall satisfaction of the mechanic. Those close to you will be able to give you an honest retelling of their experiences with certain mechanics.

Always ask your mechanic for OEM parts. These parts come from the manufacturer of your car. While generic parts may be cheaper, you’ll never know how good the quality is. What could be a good deal in the present won’t always be the best thing to for you later, so try using OEM parts when you’re able to.

Never leave anything in your car when dropping it off for repairs. Some of these items may need to be removed so the mechanic can do his work, and the shop is not responsible if anything is lost. You should also remove all the items from your trunk.

You should know and pay attention to your dashboard’s warning lights. They are meant to help; use them to your advantage. If you simply overlook them for months on end, there is a chance your vehicle might sustain irreparable damage.

Wash your car all winter long. Believe it or not, the winter months are tough on your vehicle. All that salt and sand is a sure recipe for abrasion and rust. After washing your car, dry it thoroughly to prevent ice formation.

Avoid diagnosing car problems yourself. Be aware that you aren’t a car mechanic! It could seem simple, but it may be a complex issue. This is particularly true in new computerized vehicles. Allow the diagnosis to be made by a professional, when possible. Give them every detail about what happened and if there were any sounds associated with the problem, and let them diagnose the trouble.

When you get parts replaced on your car, you should pay attention to the warranty that comes with the part. Ask the mechanic about the warranties on any parts he is replacing. Inquire as to how long it is for and get a printed copy.

Do not believe claims that any auto part will last for a lifetime. When mechanics use this claim, they are usually just trying to get you to spend more money unnecessarily. As an example, some vehicles come with transmission fluid marked as “lifetime”. You will need to change your fluid as it is not an unlimited resource.

OEM is also known as the Original Equipment Manufacturer. This is good to know whenever your car or truck requires new parts. You sound better educated on repairs if you ask your mechanic to use OEM parts. This will lower the chances of someone putting used auto parts on your car.

Create a budget, and tell your mechanic what it is. Never allow the auto repair workers to have free rein of your car, at least not where costs are concerned. Set a specific dollar amount that can’t be exceeded without a phone call to you for authorization.

Don’t get work done if your mechanic gives you problems when asked for a written estimate. If he does not do the work correctly, you will have a hard time recovering any damages, because you will have no proof of the work that he was contracted to do.

Ask questions of your mechanic. In addition to asking about price, ask about everything regarding this repair. How much time will he need to repair it? What work is to be completed? What are you going to be paying for parts? What other questions do you have? This will let the mechanic know that you are well informed, and if the problem comes up at another time, you might be able to fix it.

Car problems can be a hassle to deal with. They can become expensive. Keep reading for some tips on getting your car fixed with minimal damage to your wallet and stress level.
